Jarrett is another student from my small local community that I got to capture his senior portraits! As always, at JLP, I do my best to tailor each session to reflect you uniquely. This senior session was a lot of fun and was one of a kind! Jarrett’s family owns a hunting preserve. So when Jarrett asked if I could come out to do his senior photos on the family hunting preserve, the answer was an obvious, yes!
A senior session at Buck Dynasty in Shreve is exactly what I aim for when planning a senior session! A unique place, tailored to this #jlpsenior! This guy is a Football captain at Waynedale High School also, so we couldn’t leave out some locker room shots!
After being greeted by Jarrett’s sweet grandparents, Jarrett, his Grandma Jane and I headed out on the Polaris. As we pulled down to the fence to enter, Jarrett hopped off to unlock and open the gate for us to pull through. The first thought that popped in my mind was I felt like I was in the Jurrasic Park movie, just then I heard Jarrett yell something about this is your Jurassic Park moment. Of course, that gave us all a laugh! He said every time he comes there it reminds him of Jurrasic Park how you pull up to the gate and hope nothing gets out!
Jarrett is the oldest of two, he has a younger brother
He has played football for 10 years, Varsity for three years as a running back, wide receiver and linebacker.
Wrestled for 12 years and Varsity for four of those years
He loves Baseball, he has played for 14 years and has been on Varsity for four. His positions are infield and pitcher.
Team Captain for the Football Team
Jarrett is involved in Future Teachers of America
He is part of the National Honor Society
His favorite food is steak
Loves hunting
Enjoys going fishing
Follower of Christ
Jarrett is planning to attend college to be a teacher and to play baseball.
Set your goals high and don’t stop until you get there. ~Bo Jackson
Good, Better, Best. Never let it rest. Till your good is better and your better is best!
Buck Dynasty is owned by Jarretts Grandparents, it is a Hunting Preserve in Shreve, Ohio. If you notice in some of the photos, we had a few curious friends hanging around watching what we were doing. One, in particular, her name is Rosie and she is fond of Jarrett and will come to him when he is in her pen. If you are looking for a hunting preserve, we have one right here in Wayne County, Ohio!
To view more JLP senior sessions, click here.
If you would like to know more about Buck Dynasty, click here